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The History And Types Of Window Envelopes

the history and types of window envelopes business envelopes 

They are something that private citizens and public businesses use every day, window envelopes.

Many people may not consider it, but the window envelope hasn't always been around; in fact, it has a history of its own. We'll discuss that history and what types of window envelopes are available today because of it.


The History of Window Envelopes

Window envelopes start their life no different than other envelopes. The only difference is that after it is designed and glued, a perfectly rectangular hole is cut into the face of the envelope. That hole will be covered with a transparent film or plastic that will display the recipient’s address. It hasn't been around for as long as the envelope itself, but it does seem like a simple change that took hundreds of years to accomplish.

The first window envelopes were patented and produced in 1901 by Americus F. Callahan. During the war years and years of suffering, material shortages caused the window to be left open. There were even processes that used hot oil that made a clear plastic-like film to cover the window opening.

Currently, manufacturers all over the world use their own designs and methods to create window envelopes. While there is no international standard for this type of envelope, individual countries do have their own window envelope standards to adhere by.


Types of Window Envelopes

There are different types of window envelopes are currently on the market. They include U.S. standard window envelopes, double window envelopes, and commercial window envelopes. We'll discuss each type and the best uses for them.

The standard and commercial-grade window envelopes are exactly the same thing in the US. It is common for these two types of window envelopes to have the window about a half-inch above the bottom of the envelope.

The double window envelopes have a few more limitations because they are not made as regularly as the standard or commercial types. This style of envelope will have a layer of plastic film on the inside and outside of the envelope, making sure the window itself is watertight. Most often, these are used with water-resistant envelopes.

There are also custom window envelopes if the standard or commercial-sized ones won't fit your needs. These custom-made envelopes can be specially ordered from any maker online or even, in some cases, at the post office.

Custom window envelopes are too expensive, but they will cost more than their standard or commercial-grade counterparts. The window envelope, like the non-window envelope, can come in a variety of colors and styles that can be personalized by the customer when they order their window envelopes.

The advantages of window envelopes lie in the level of professionalism and class they provide. If you want a professional look, then window envelopes are the choice for you.